In my last post, I presented a re-processed version of an image of M45 – The Pleiades that I took last year with a one-shot colour CCD. This made me think I should have a go using my more sensitive mono CCD and separate filters. So here is the result!
The image consists of 4 hours of luminance data (a white-light filter) and 1.5 hours each through red, green and blue filters (all exposures were 10 minutes). Taken over the two nights of 8/9 December 2012.
I shot the colour data on the sad day that the great British Astronomer Sir Patrick Moore passed away. I was lucky enough to have known him for the last 42 years (since I was a lad of 10). I know he would have liked this image – he was a fan of the work of amateurs and was fascinated on how we can produce better images now than even the largest telescopes in the world could produce not too many years ago.